TLT Accreditation

TLT kindergarten program is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports in Croatia. Accreditation is a system that encourages excellence in kindergarten programs. Kindergartens in Croatia become accredited because it is evidence of their quality.

TLT Curriculum

TLT has adopted the High/Scope curriculum as its educational framework. This specific approach helps us organize the day (Plan-Do-Review sequence), frames teacher-child interactions and encourages the use of child development principles and hands-on activities.
In addition to including High/scope key developmental indicators we have also designed our own ”best practice curriculum“. With more than 50 years of combined experience in education, our curriculum developers have successfully fused the best and the most results-oriented components of highly-researched educational approaches* to create a unique learning experience for each of our students.
For more information about our unique curriculum schedule a visit today
*Montessori, Creative curriculum, Anti-Bias curriculum, Reggio Emilia/Project approach and multiple intelligences theory.

Program Schedules

TLT offers the following programs and early drop off service from 7:30 am:

Monday thru Friday
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Full day/extended care **
(includes breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks)
Full day/extended care **
(includes breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks)
Full day
(includes breakfast, lunch and snack)
Full day
(includes breakfast, lunch and snack)
Half day
(includes breakfast and lunch)
Half day
(includes breakfast and lunch)

* Monday, Wednesday and Friday programs are just offered for children under the age of 4.
** Extended Care (3:30pm-5.30pm) is a custodial service only. The school shall not in any way follow any curriculum thereof.

Who are the teachers/Student-teacher ratio?

Teachers play a key role in our program. They prepare the environment for the child and participate in the child’s life and growth within it. Teachers’ direct the child to find the best way to learn from the environment (rather than from the adult). Teachers’ roles are to facilitate child-initiated activities.

At TLT teachers are considered partners because active learning depends on positive and warm adult-child interactions, they are supportive as they converse and play with children. Teachers rely on encouragement, predictability/structure of the environment and a positive behavior approach to deal with everyday classroom situations. In addition, our very small student-teacher ratio of six children per teacher, allow us to offer a truly individualized approach.

How is the classroom organized?

Our open-space classrooms are structured around learning areas where students work independently or in small groups in an prepared environment.

Some areas in the classroom are linked to a theme unit, allowing the student not only to explore a given topic in-depth, but also to connect that learning to different areas of development through experience.

How do we perceive children?

At TLT children are considered active learners. We believe that young children act on their innate desire to explore; they ask and search for answers to questions about people, materials, events, and ideas. Children solve problems that stand in the way of their goals; and they generate new strategies to try to solve them.

Therefore, at TLT , curriculum, environment, materials, assessment and child-teacher relationships are focused to stimulate and encourage active learning. Developmentally-appropriate activities are carefully planned in our daily routines.

An educational experience is developmentally appropriate when the activities challenge children’ capacities enough to promote their progress and interest. Learning experiences are hands-on, engaging, active and creative to guarantee that children can master, generalize and retain skills/concepts.

What is the age range and how are children grouped?

Although humans are not usually born in litters, we seem to insist that they should be educated in them. Our rationale for creating a multiage classroom is to increase heterogeneity of the group so as capitalize on the differences in the experiences, knowledge and abilities of the children.

At TLT we consider that multiage classrooms bring lots of advantages for the students and the teachers. This assumption is based on research which proves that young children up to age of eight learn best when they learn from BOTH teachers and peers, and when they have as many hands-on, concrete learning experiences as possible.

Our goal is to develop a nurturing atmosphere, where each child learns at his own pace and more attention is given to teaching in the ways that young children learn best — not in setting rigid expectations for the whole class in which achievement is based only on a child’s age.

How do we communicate with parents?

At TLT parents are full partners and participants in their children’s academic experience. Teachers communicate daily with parents. Our Home School Connection suggests activities that support the lesson plan that parents and children can do together at home. TLT encourages parents participation in different classroom projects, special outings and school community events.
Additionally, TLT encourages open communication through:

• Formal individual parent-teacher conferences held twice a year to provide formal discussion of each child’s progress.
• Classroom WhatsApp Groups (This groups are created for each school year to share classroom’s pictures, videos, artwork, special events, important information and answering to relevant questions to the group)
• Friday’s homework
• Student portfolio (each TLT student receives at the end of the school year, a portfolio with work samples, organized by curriculum areas from Sep-June)

How we do things ?

A typical day at TLT starts with the arrival of our little ones. Every day in our center is carefully planned to provide children with balanced routines for learning, growing and having fun. Group activities are alternated with individual and small group interactions and rest periods to keep everyone engaged and learning.

  • Pre-K Classroom (Age 2- 3 ½)

This is a custodial service only. During this time, children are playing under supervision. No guided or academic activities are offered.

The children are greeted by their teachers and proceed to put their slippers on and hang their belongings in their hooks. When children are ready, they may select a free choice activity (puzzles, play dough, drama, blocks etc.). All children should be in their classrooms by 8:45 the latest.

This is a time to use the toilets and wash hands. When breakfast is over, children are responsible for cleaning their places and throwing away their own napkins and garbage. This is time to reinforce self-help and independence skills and to build on social and language repertoires.

This large group activity formally begins the day. It is a time for greeting each other, singing songs, reviewing the weather and calendar, going through the daily plan, assigning the helpers of the day and introducing the letter of the week.

This is a time for focus on large muscle and social skills in our safe and inviting playground.

Two learning centers linked to the topic of the week are planned to provide children opportunities for problem solving, decision making, creative expression and social interaction. Activities include: Number sense, sensory activities, art, fine motor/pre-writing skills, visual discrimination, oral language, music and movement.

Lunch time is served “family style.” Children practice table good manners: naming, passing and serving food.

Children wash their face and hands and teachers get them ready for naptime.

During this time, soft music is played and lights are lowered to create a resting atmosphere. Children are invited to nap on their beds. This activity is supervised.

This is a time to use the bathroom and wash hands. When snack is over, children are responsible for cleaning their places and throwing away their own napkins and garbage. This is time to reinforce self-help and independence skills and to build on social and language repertoires. While children are eating, teachers read a story to stimulate oral language.

Children meet at the circle area and we review the activities they enjoyed during the morning. We sing our goodbye songs and get ready for departure.

After-school activities begin at this time. These activities are not mandatory. Parents need to sign up for any of our daily extracurricular activities.

During this time the assigned teacher in extended care will take children to extra-curricular activities if they are enrolled in any and she will remain with the rest of the children enrolled in this program. Children enrolled in extended care services can stay until 5:30 the latest.

  • Junior and Senior Kindergarten Classroom (Age 4-6)

This is a custodial service only. During this time, children are playing under supervision. No guided or academic activities are offered.

The children are greeted by their teachers and proceed to put their slippers on and put their belongings in their cubbies. When children are ready, they may select a free choice activity (puzzles, play dough, drama, blocks etc.)

This is a time to use the toilets and wash hands. When snack is over, children are responsible for cleaning their places and throwing away their own napkins and garbage. This is time to reinforce self-help and independence skills and to build on social and language repertoires. On Thursdays children have P.E (Physical Education)

This large group activity formally begins the day. It is a time for greeting each other, singing songs, reviewing the weather and calendar, going through the daily plan, assigning the helpers of the day and introducing the letter of the week.

Each day of the week focus on a different curriculum area (Early math and science, phonics, social studies, geography and art among others). During this time block students are engage in two different curriculum areas.

Lunchtime is served “family style.” Children practice table good manners: naming, setting and clearing tables.

Children use the bathroom and wash their face and hands.

During this time, soft music is played and lights are lowered to create a quiet atmosphere. Children are divided in groups of 4 and invited to engage in different stations (blocks, art, board games among other). This is also a time for children to sit one-on-one with their teachers.

During this time children will clean up the classroom with their teachers. This is a time for sorting and categorizing. It’s also time for cooperation and working together.

When snack is over, children are responsible for cleaning their places and throwing away their own napkins and garbage. This is time to reinforce self-help and independence skills and to build on social and language repertoires. We read a short story, sing our goodbye song and get ready for departure.
After-school activities begin at this time. These activities are not mandatory. Parents need to sign up for any of our daily extracurricular activities.
During this time the assigned teacher in extended care will take children to extra-curricular activities if they are enrolled in any and she will remain with the rest of the children enrolled in this program. Children enrolled in extended care services can stay until 5:30 the latest.

Enroll your child

Parent/Guardian Info
Child Info
Extracurricular Activities (you can select more than one)

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